Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Weekend of Quality Time

It's been a manic week for both Chloe and me. So when she suggested last night that she, myself and our little boy get away for a weekend I was over the moon.

"I tell you what?" I suggested, "Let's go tech free! Phones off, no internet, no work, none of it."

She beamed.

"I'm in."

So I've just booked us a little cottage and tomorrow night, from 5:30pm, I will be technology free until Monday. Log fires, reading, walking and having fun - just me, my Fiancee and son and our two crazy dogs!


I think "face time," is hugely underrated in a society where we (myself included) depend upon technology. I love Twitter, blogging, Second Life - I communicate by email, VOIP and video conference a lot and sometimes it is just nice to be inaccessible.

"You never spend time in Second Life," Chloe mentioned the other day. She knows before she and I were together I spent a lot of time immersed in that virtual world.

"So?" I asked.

Chloe created an avatar a while back (Chlo Calamity) in order that she could see what I enjoyed so much about the platform. But she only logged in briefly while she was away on a business trip and we never bothered going back in.

"Why would I want you in a virtual world when I have the real thing right here?" I asked. "I'm not THAT addicted to it!"

We laughed and she beamed.

Soe's fascinated by the platform still, so whenever I log in, she will sit beside me... we will talk on mic together to some of my friends and she enjoys looking at what people have created in there. She might choose to explore the world further at some point, but right now, as we both work with technology all the day long, it's nice to just enjoy "face time."

And that's what this weekend is about - forgetting the rest of the world for just two days, taking our dogs and little boy and just going having some quality family time.

We all need that from time to time :)

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