Monday, February 21, 2011

From a Dark Time

I like to read old thoughts...words typed and saved in a folder on my desktop. It's not always a happy experience, but it's sometimes a learning experience. And reading through some things I wrote in late 2009 was certainly thought provoking. Here was one such piece.... Perhaps my real appreciation of this comes in realising how far I have come since that dark time.

I feel nothing in the dark
And less in the light
When my sight is
Blighted with sadness
On faces and strangers
In places I knew
Once upon a time.

And there’s you.
Smiling. Lighting up
The room as you do
Just by being there.
And I want to care
For you as I know
You do for me.

But I can’t.
And you see it.
And you know.
But you won’t give up.

I love you for that.
But you have to go.


C xx said...

I love this honesty Adam. It's good to look back over this and I had a lovely time sharing it with you.

You have changed and developed so much and I am so proud of you

C xx said...

I love this honesty Adam. It's good to look back over this and I had a lovely time sharing it with you.

You have changed and developed so much and I am so proud of you